Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives

Depth Imaging Partnership

Magique-3D maintains active collaborations with Total. In the context of Depth Imaging, Magique-3D coordinates research activities dealing with the development of high-performance numerical methods for solving wave equations in complex media. This project has involved 2 other Inria Team-Projects (Hiepacs and Nachos) which have complementary skills in mathematics, computing and in geophysics. DIP is fully funded by Total by the way of an outline agreement with Inria .

In 2014, the second phase of DIP has begun. Lionel Boillot has been hired as engineer to work on the DIP platform. Six PhD students have defended their PhD since 2014 and they are now post-doctoral researchers or engineers in Europe. DIP is currently employing 2 PhD students and one post-doctoral researcher.

ANR Num4Sun

The ANR has launched a specific program for supporting and promoting applications to European or more generally International projects. Magique-3D has been selected in 2016 after proposing a project to be applied as a FET project on the occasion of a call that will open in 2017 April. This project will gather researchers of the MPS (https://www.mps.mpg.de/en), of the BSC (https://www.bsc.es/), of the BCAM (http://www.bcamath.org/en/), of Heriot-Watt University (https://www.hw.ac.uk/) and Inria teams.

A kick-off meeting has been held in November 2016 in Strasbourg and a second one in Paris in July 2017. Thanks to this support, we have submitted a ETPHPC proposal in September 2017 The project is funded for 18 months starting from August 2016. The funding amounts 30000€.

ANR NonLocalDD

Magique 3-D is a partner of the ANR project entitled "Non Local Domain Decomposition Methods in Electromagnetics" that begins in october 2015. The aim of this project is to develop domain decomposition methods for the efficient solution of acoustics and Maxwell's equation either with boundary integral equations or finite element volume method. To obtain an exponential convergence of the iterative solution, non-local operators are studied and optimized to achieve a faster convergence. A post-doctoral student Marcella Bonazzoli has been hired by Magique 3-D in 2017 to study multi-domain integral equations for wave propagation. This student is supervised by Xavier Claeys, a partner of the NonLocalDD ANR project.